The DCCC Ship Titanic


All joking aside, Trump’s tweets often rips off the scabs off festering hidden truths the Democrats want to stay hidden or at least ignored. In military parlance, it’s referred to as keeping below the horizon line so the enemy can’t see you to (figuratively) shoot at you.

So, the question becomes, is Baltimore, a portion of which is in Congressman Elijah Cummings district, really a crime, rodent and drug infested city in Maryland? It certainly has a high murder rate ranking near the top of American city’s in that category. If that is so, why so?

Rep. Cummings attempted, like Democrats have always gotten away with successfully before, to browbeat with raised voice, whining innuendo and sobbing appeal to the poor and hopeless illegal invaders on the border, Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security, claiming the invaders were living in the squalor of their own filth while the Border Protection people did nothing to alleviate their suffering. But, he’s never been there, has he? Did he get his cue from AOC?

An unwarranted attack on a Trump Cabinet secretary is an attack on Trump and he doesn’t take that sort of nonsense lying down. Expectedly, he tweet attacked the Congressman pointing out the fact that Baltimore is indeed a crime, rodent and drug infested city about which the good Congressman Cummings was as apparently uninformed as he was uninformed on the facilities provided for the invaders at our borders. Cummings went berserk and so did Nancy Pelosi calling Trump a racist once more. Then all the Democrat presidential candidates went berserk too. It’s called the “Pavlov’s dog effect” and “racism” is the bell that gets them all salivating.

It’s not Trumps fault that Baltimore is represented by an American Congressman of African descent, anymore than it’s Trump’s fault that San Francisco, represented by Nancy Pelosi, is an American congresswoman of Italian descent; yet both cities are nearly third world countries turned so by the Liberal Policies that echo the political philosophy of Karl Marx.

Add to those, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Fresno, Portland, and others, and Trumps tweets start to take on a meaning that raised the whole squalid societal norms of Progressivism (the new name for Marxism) well above the horizon line, and race has nothing to do with it. Progressivism is the sole culprit of third world societal malaise brought to our cities.

The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), who is supposed to fund campaigns to unseat Republicans and turn Red States Blue, are now experiencing their own racist problems. They’ve cashiered their Chairman and most of the top staffers have quit, over the issue of “diversity.” Looming in the background is the new face of the Democrat Party, AOC.

Diversity is one of those Progressive words that sounds good, but in fact does little to advance a program rather that cause one to fail. Diversity is in fact “Affirmative Action!” started in LBJ’s presidency to level the employment playing field by demanding that job positions are equally allocated to unqualified personnel because of race. Jobs for everybody! Apparently the DCCC failed to do that and all hell broke loose. What can the Democrat Party do now, rearrange the chairs on the weather deck?

Time is getting short and so, apparently are funds. The Democrats have no candidate who can touch Donald Trump. The bad news is they really hate Donald Trump. The good news is, they can’t do anything about it.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Termites (Democrats) in the House


Termites (Democrats) in the House
Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is in California conniving with the fruitcake politicians at the California Democrat State Convention. Succumbing to the raucous chants of “Impeach, Impeach,” Nancy was obligated to agree to move in the direction of impeaching Donald Trump. Every story has a “but” behind it. But, hidden in the context of her rhetoric, she argued for building an “ironclad case” to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.

It will die there because Nancy knows she will never, ever obtain anything “Ironclad” to remove the President let alone place a case before Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, that would even be considered let alone voted on. That leavers her the excuse she needs to beg off and do nothing, and she knows it.

The Democrats impeachment mantra, if pursued, very probably may destroy the Democrat Party as we know it. In the debris left in the wake of its demise, there will still be the radical Progressives, including most of those now running to be Democrat candidate to replace Trump. The slogging will be long, hard and arduous because they have no plans to carry America forward, except socialism. They are bereft of any vision to increase America’s productivity to levels higher than President Trump has brought them. They have nothing and they will lose!

The Democrat Party has work like termites in an old house to eat the core out of what made America Great. The great Termite Party made welfare a Right, not education to learn and advance, but a necessity to survive. Welfare was used specifically to enslave Americans of African Descent by destroying the Black nuclear family. The male head of the family must be employed or not in the household, otherwise, no welfare for the family. Thus, we have still have single Black mothers as heads of household with the uninvolved male hanging around to breed, leaving the fatherless household without male guidance, without hope and no future.

As a remedy, the party of Termites inflicted upon us their “Affirmative Action“ scheme thus reducing the quality of American production and all but destroying Americas once thriving “work ethic.” By their Progressivism, they have turned Americas Judeo-Christian codes of social morality to dust by characterizing Christian churches and the families who attended them as ignorant “clingers.” To compound the rot, the Termite Party has intruded into nearly every American youth program to modify children’s behavior by glorifying homosexuality, perversion and transgenderism as natural acts of love, debasing at the same time any moral objections on the grounds a silly premise and a false notion, It’s the “I’m okay, you’re okay!” mantra.!

To the rising crescendo of “Impeach, Impeach,” apart from her idiotic anti-Trump comments, Pelosi said: “President Trump will be held accountable for his actions. In the Congress, in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, we will defend our democracy.” When the said: “Our Democracy” she treads on a narrow path. Conservatives, especially those few left in the Republican Party, should cease using the word Democracy. The Democrats have ruined it, like the word “Gay!” Democracy means majority rule. The word is not found in the Constitution. Simply put, Democracy is “two wolves and a sheep discussing what to have for dinner.”

The Termite Party never expected the results of their rigged 2016 election. They got instead, a non-politician with practical business acumen to Make America Great Again and their program to “democratize” has thrown them totally off kilter. In their futile attempts to repair the damage, they only expose more of their hypocrisy. How do we get rid of Termites?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Diagram for Civil War


Diagram for Civil War
What sane, logical thinking person, who isn’t a Progressive, could possibly believe the opusculum that was presented by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, opining publicly, in lieu of facing a Congressional Committee hearing with Republicans on it, the sanctimonious nonsense that fell from his lips. Complete rubbish! Mueller is and has always been a “never Trumper” and he proved it beyond all doubt. His role was integral to saving the Deep State.

By the speed with which the Democrats seized on Mueller’s twisted meanings, i.e.: “If we had confidence the president didn’t commit a crime we would have said so,” indicating that there was something indeed, Trump did that requires congressional over-site. It convinces me that the true believers who have feasted for so long at the table of the ‘Elite’ Deep State, believe we are all stupid and really need their guidance. That includes the insufferable Robert Mueller.

His comments obfuscated his official clearance of Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians, or obstructing the investigation yet, with the clever manipulation of words, he left the Democrat crazies and their Leftist media propaganda organs, armed with enough doubt to pursue their obstruction of government for another year and a half. Now, Nancy Pelosi’s Leftist crazies are demanding Trumps immediate impeachment. Clearly, Pelosi has lost control. The Democrat Party, including all its presidential contenders, have become a mere babbling rabble. Pelosi has a divided house and I cannot see her pulling it together again. In fact, it needs to be destroyed.

Their division illuminates what we all suspected, that the American body politic is infested by a cancerous disease, an elitist cabal that has eroded American values to the point that all that was good is now bad and etc.. They consider themselves our betters entitled to rule simply because they believe they know better how to make everything equal and fair for all people, except them of course, because they are our betters. Didn’t we read this story in Orwell’s Animal Farm?

We have two seriously competing ideas about how government should be run. First and definitely very American, is Representative government according to the Constitution that ensures all citizens their right to self-determination, freedom of speech, religion and assembly and even freedom of self-defense. The other is a completely opposite philosophy that firmly asserts that government, run by experts schooled according to the Gospel of Karl Marx, are better prepared to equalize government for all, and that all people have the same opportunity to serve the State which will then feed, house and educate them for free. “From You according to your ability, to you according to your need.”

The American ‘Left,’ having almost achieved their goal of complete success of altering American minds, an essential first step, while ignoring us simple deplorable’s in fly-over country, are now on the ropes, because we have been awakened by Donald Trump to see the real dangers facing us. America has arrived at the point for a reckoning. How will it develop? The Progressives, who have spent decades incrementally installing socialism into the fabric of American politics by attacking family values, American history and religion, have been stymied by Trumps ‘Bull in a China Shop” style of leadership. Backed into a corner and in danger of losing all, they won’t go without a fight, a real one if necessary, to hold on to what they got.

Right now, a coming civil war can be averted simply by the arrests, trials and convictions of the Deep State elites who had the audacity to violate their oaths and now stand suspected of treason against the US Commander-in-Chief. Their wicked plan has been thrust into the disinfecting cure of bright sunlight. The opportunity to strike back should not be squandered.

What’s the Crisis?


What’s the Crisis?
What is being revealed right before our very eyes is not, as Nancy Pelosi would have us accept, a Constitutional crisis, but rather, a crisis of government. We have too much government, too much money to be made being in government, too little work done for the benefit of American voters, and too many really stupid people who don’t realize they are really stupid people.

That’s the crisis that Donald Trump recognized when he decided America needed to be saved and he was the one who would do it. The moderate Republican party, no longer fulfilling its role as the champion of constitutional conservatism, is struggling to stay relevant to what America’s Marxists, disguised as the Democrat party, really want. The “Never Trumpers,” clinging to the political corruption that keeps them relevant, hate Trump because he won’t play the game their way. That’s the crisis. Neither do they see the tsunami coming that will overwhelm them.

What we are witnessing is push back from Trump like they’ve never experienced before! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schemers trekked to the White House, supposedly for a meeting with the President on Infrastructure funding, but really with the intention to ambush the President. They attacked Trump on funding issues by throwing out threats of investigations, impeachment and cover-ups to queer the deal. President Trump doesn’t suffer fools and will not be bullied, so he walked out on ‘em. Expect the House, under Democrat leadership, to produce nothing for the next year and a half except more hysteria.

They lost, but Trump, they say, must be guilty of something. That uncouth Trump must be corrupt but, he ignores them by refusing to permit White House staffers to testify about their interactions with him. For the Democrats, a conservative, if not playing their game, is grounds for impeachment. The problem is, Democrats don’t have the evidence they want or any other reason to get rid of him. But, that’s not stopping ‘em! They have the House and its powers of oversight and by Gawd, they’re going to use it. I think Trump is safe and he knows it.

Consider the alternative. A Jeb Bush, John Kasich or any other of the “Never Trumpers” who fancy themselves ‘moderate’ Republicans, would immediately have rolled over onto their backs at Nancy’s first bark to acquiesce to Democrats demands while licking the hand that beats them. For some inexplicable reason the Democrats firmly believe the stupid American voters are with them in hating Donald Trump and in wanting him to be gone.

Consider what the Democrats have already given us. A return of infectious disease’s by opening the borders to illegals who are then, cost free, housed, educated, provided free medical care and food, just for their vote. Democrats have forced our children to face sexual perverts with this transgender BS, multi-sex restrooms, males in women’s sports, transgender classes in our schools, but, worse, condoning the evil of Islam to be taught in our schools, but not allowing the morals found in Christianity to even be recognized.

Upon what basis do Democrats believe they are not only fit to lead, but expect to lead because it is their divine right? Our political system was the best going. When even an unenlightened bartender, with some effort at campaigning against a career politician, can get elected to the deliberative body that is our Congress, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Muslims, who hate America, deny that our inalienable Constitutional rights beats Shariah Law. These wicked people are now in our congress, like a cancer. How much damage will they do before they’re exposed for what they really are, fifth columnist for Islam? That’s also a major crisis.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Anatomy of Corruption


Anatomy of Corruption
Americans are just now realizing how close to the brink of oblivion we were had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election. Nothing could be more palimpsest than the quickly unfolding layers of official corruption, once denied, that is the “Deep State.” There’s one and its tentacles run deep.

Mueller’s inquiry left no stone unturned in trying to prove that Trump and/or his campaign team colluded with the Russians causing the anointed one, Queen Hillary, to lose, while avoiding completely Hillary Clintons and the DNC’s real collusion with the Russians. Answer to those questions now fall to Attorney General Barr who’s already batting away the tears of fear from those who will be affected. The Buck should stop at Obama. He owns it all.

As Atty. General Barr’s investigations commence into finding the cause and effect, the Who, What, Where, When and Why any investigation requires, the How shows the starting results that the conspirators own clumsiness revealed. It makes gangrene look good by comparison.

Government normally works like a poorly oiled machine with lines of communication up and down, often interrupted by mid-level managers who don’t like the goals sought or want to alter already decisions made. The now revealed layers of corruption shows how deep the rot had permeated the FBI, DoJ, CIA, IRS and DCI, each with some law enforcement element to it that could send any one of us to prison, for anything or for nothing. Scary!

In ancient times, groups of similar’s gathered together for protection. A leader was selected based upon his ability to fight and protect them (Clans). Societies then divide themselves into smaller groups (Septs) under the titular leadership of the main Chief by cooperation and agreement and acknowledgement of that up chain of command. Its called respect.

In our times, leadership, like in Congress, by right, goes to the oldest, not the best. When those groups divide because they don’t get along, then leadership has to be decisively brutal. For example, Nancy Pelosi, a nitwit, is “Speaker” not because she’s a tough leader who drinks wine from the skulls of her enemies, but because she’s the oldest. AOC on the other hand, in her first two months in her tribe, has already challenged Pelosi for the leadership, not practically, but figuratively because people naturally follow the popular leader.

Too retain their power, and its ‘perks,’ a leader, including their hangers-on, have to be respected. Where is it in the Democrat Party today? Twenty-three Democrat wannabe’s presidents clawing with each other for hegemony over the others, only stopping short of bashing in the others skulls?

They do this while Americas real Clan Chief, the wizard of human relations, Donald Trump, contemptuously looks down from his seat in the Oval Office and mocks them cruelly for their incompetence, ignorance and weakness. Trump has shown Americans what Presidential leadership should be. Interruptions to the flow of authority by deep state implants will soon end. Trump will then be free to continue breaking away the chains of socialism the Democrats have been hanging around American’s necks for decades. Disrespectful threats to Trumps leadership fall off his back like water off a ducks back.

Who can have any respect for Rep. Jerry Nadler or Adam Schiffer, whiners both, incapable of striking a fatal blow. They are leaders because of being in Congress far too long, not because they know what the hell they’re doing. But they can do no less because they too have been corrupted by the very machine they live in, political power. Nadler has his ‘subpoena power’ How’s that working for him? Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19May19)

The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King


The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King
Daily, we are entertained by the apparent implosion of the Democrat Party in their hysteria at their failed multiple schemes to oust Donald Trump from the Presidency. Especially hurtful to Democrats was the conclusion of the Mueller report, a peripeteia which, like Hillary Clinton was unable to do in 2016, they can’t do now, accept defeat and move on. They don’t want to move on but, the non-issue has taken our eyes off the ball, their true goal, the control of the Congress.

Nancy Pelosi, titular head of the House and the Democrats that abide therein, speaks effortlessly with her hands but articulates in a nearly undecipherable ‘congressese’ using terms and ideas that have long lost their luster and appeal. Other old time Democrats, now committee chairmen like Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and John Lewis, spout complete impeachment nonsense about further prosecuting the failed Mueller Report because “there has to be something in there that was missed.” The clue words in that sentence is “old time.”

These “old time” Democrats may or may not be aware of what’s coming because their egos and age, cloud their eyes, but they are being replaced, one congressional district at a time, by young socialists. In their eyes, Republican challengers are to be brushed aside as well. They are pushing the Socialist message, one, because of the heavy indebtedness of college students, two, because they believe government should supply health care and wages and, three, Capitalist hold all the money, and they don’t. Laugh if you will but those ideas are taking hold.

The best example is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a college educated but ignorant nymphette from the Bronx who, as silly as she sounds, is still ‘sounding.’ Worse, young folk are listening. We Conservatives may laugh at her ideas and mark them down as silly ‘socialist’ notions, which they are, but a lot of American’s aren’t. Many are listening and we should be alarmed.

Socialists, fifty years ago or longer, infiltrated the Democrat Party, rotted it out from within, and took over. Now the Marxist/Communists are inside moving to replace them. Makes no difference if they are bartenders or dancers, or don’t know a lick about their collage major subject, so long as their presence in Congress can foul up the works like we’re seeing now; they disdain the old timers of the Democrat Party; will snatch the public microphones away and repeat their silly nonsense. Nancy is no longer in control of the Democrat message, the radicals are.

Can we really believe that AOC actually beat a long established old time Democrat politician because of her dancing charms? I don’t think so. She won because the far-left puppet masters saw in her a dedicated Bernie Sanders socialist and picked her to run. Knowing her district has a low voter turnout profile they sponsored her election campaign to do exactly what they accomplished, put a young, noisy Socialist in Congress. This is going to go on and on.

Where did the two Muslim women come from? How did they come to be Congress? They don’t even believe in America. Certainly not from appealing to a vast network of voters. I argue that because the US Constitution and Shariah law are totally incompatible, muslims should automatically be disqualified from holding any office at any level in America, and yet, they’re taking over small cities and towns across the nation under threats of Islamaphobia and racism.

Finally, the obdurate Hillary Clinton is so lost in her dream world that I suspect, like Mary Todd Lincoln, she may one day end up in an asylum babbling about her election being stolen, long before she heads for prison. It’s a sad commentary of our times but the Queen is dead, long live the King. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the only way.

Islam, Here We Go Again – A Warning For All


Islam, Here We Go Again – A Warning For All
Apparently, after a white terrorist from Australia launched a cunningly deadly attack against Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand killing fifty muslims, the “Left” couldn’t wait to try to blame Donald Trump and white nationalism as the cause. That’s to be expected I suppose. They want Trump gone, European culture erased from history and a one world government.

As to the attack(s) themselves, they were preceded by a lengthly anti-Islamic ‘manifesto’ that outlined the reasons for the attacks. It reeked of frustration because, like citizens in other western cultures being invaded by Islam, they see Islamic incursions as a danger to Western culture, not resisted or stopped by the political leadership. The manifesto reads in fact, like a fascist screed, but certainly not a Conservative one.

These “new comers” (Muslims) as Pelosi calls them, once here in our element, constantly expect that host governments should acquiesce to their demands because they are muslim and that their religions needs, like Sharia law, must be met without question. They create whole areas of cities that become “no go” zones for non muslims, hunting grounds for muslim rape gangs and centers of subversion of host governments. People are attacked on the streets, women assaulted and young girls raped. Their crimes are excused or minimized by our frightened leaders. In NYC, Mayor DeBlasio permits Sharia patrols in vehicles that look like NYPD cars. Why?

Why do Westerners think this way? It is because our governments are ambivalent to the dangers Islam represents to Western forms of government? They appear to happily welcome Islam as equals and set about to allay the dangers they bring with them while propagandizing the invaders simply as poor people fleeing tyranny while in fact, they are importing tyranny.

I do not condone the NZ attack at all but, while nutty in their objective, the shocking attack there, recorded by live feed, has opened the road to further conflict. Make no mistake, not everyone is horrified by those attacks in New Zealand. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern decried the attacks as “an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence” that has “no place in New Zealand.” Violence may not have a place in New Zealand, but it’s there now and neither is it “extraordinary” or “unprecedented.”

Any one who follows Jihad Watch on the Internet, will know of the hundreds of reports of muslims attacking non muslims with vehicles, knives and guns, killing them throughout the Middle-East Arab countries, sub-Sahara Africa and even in European cities now, by out of control muslims determined to stamp out any thought except Islam.

This report yesterday from: “Nigeria: “Muslims murder over 20 Christians with machetes and gunfire.” Christianity Today reported that “Fulani have become more deadly than the Boko Haram jihadist insurgency.” According to Reuters, they have “a deliberate plan to ‘wipe out certain communities,” chief among them being the Christians of Nigeria who are the farmers targeted in this attack and others. “On the morning of March 4, 2019, Fulani militants attacked Tse-Tema Dula, Tse-Ugor, and Tse-Jabu villages of Mbacohon area in Gwer West Local Council area of Benue State. According to ICC’s local sources, 23 people were killed.”

Where’s the media’s fawning pity? Where is their outrage? There isn’t any because the attackers were black muslims and the victims were black Christians! Nothing to see here! This happens all the time there, so now, New Zealand is no longer exempt because they let in the devil and someone resisted.

The terrorists manifesto praised actually praised Sir Oswald Mosley, the 1930’s founder of the British Union of Fascists, and other advocates of violence, in support of racist nationalism, not Donald Trump. Fascism was Hitlers bag and he himself drew Islam into his National Socialist orbit decades ago, where it remained festering and growing until Islam itself became infected with the disease of anti-semitism, racism and hate. That’s what the West faces as Europe is now learning to its fear and disgust.

American politicians and the progressive media pretends that Islam is a religion of peace. If it is, why do they not condemn Islamic Jihadists attacks everywhere? Why is CAIR, listed as a Terrorist organization, still allowed to continue to infiltrate America’s body politics?

When the time comes to actually fight back, as it surely will, the politicians will scream in horror, blame white nationalism, not American nationalism, and fight to suppress any and all resistance mounted against Islam. That will be a mistake. Once this miserable Islamic ideology has been allowed to take toot, protected by fearful non muslim politicians, then we can expect, as surely as Elm blight in January, a rising increase in violence, right here on the streets of America.

“The bullet is often used as the solution to a problem”…Anna Politkovskaya, murdered Russian journalist.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Kasich’s Attacks Continue


A perennial GOP wanna-be presidential hopeful, John Kasich tells us: “Every day there is chaos coming
out of Washington and the Trump White House. It’s diminishing our American values, threatening our
international alliances and resulting in few policy accomplishments for the American people. Enough is
enough. It’s time for us all – as Americans to put aside the party politics and work together to face our
greatest challenges.”

I want to try to decipher what the estimable John Kasich thinks he means: First, “chaos” is a word which,
in its negative connotation, basically describes the violent collapse of societies. Now, only the Democrats
are in a state of violent hysterical collapse. But, once started, lurking within its violence, old scores are
settled, revenge meted out, hatreds revealed and destruction of property becomes the rule of the day.
Actually, Chaos is anarchy as Kasich sees it but we’re not there yet, except Portland and Baltimore.

Chaos is part of the necessary cleansing feature when societies attempt to reestablish order and
authority. I didn’t say ‘lawful order’ because as we learned from Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution that
overthrew Czarist Russia and the National Socialists that suborned then lawfully displace the decrepit
Weirder Republic of post WW1 Germany, we see two examples of Socialism’s chaotic roadmap to
achieve leadership by tyranny. Excuses for these revolutions will vary.

Kasich say’s the “chaos” comes out of Washington and the White House. Washington is a broad brush
word that covers a multitude of sins but, by saying ‘White House,’ he directly means president Trump.
Kasich hates President Trump because of Trumps accomplishes and, he’s mean. By Trump’s frontal
attacks against the open enemies of American, the socialist embedded within the Democrat party and the
their policies that fail the test of Constitutionalism, reveals the real chaos Kasich talks about. Trump has
been a huge success. John Kasich, nor any other Republican, could never do that. Kasich is part of the
problem, a uni-party deep-state advocate.

John K. believes the ‘chaos’ he mentions is “diminishing our American values.” Well, what are those
American values he envisions? I don’t know but, clearly the voters who put Trump in office wanted a
restoration of our liberties, and a reduction of Obama’s onerous and economically regulation state that
nearly crushed American progress under the heels of totalitarian incompetency where nothing works but
government. Trump has done that!

John also said: Trump “was threatening our international alliances resulting in few policy
accomplishments by the American people.” First, what foreign policy accomplishment did Obama make?
Actually, there’s not enough space left here to list Trump’s accomplishments. In only two years he has
eliminated NAFTA and the TPP, challenged China’s economic espionage, confronted our disjointed
immigration polices, and did so by using means that remain mysteries to the likes of politicians like John
Kasich. John wants us to “put aside party politics (and) work together to face our greatest challenges.”
That’s an easy one. As I see it, we have two competing policies, one of good and one of evil. What John
means here is “bipartisanship” by which definition Democrats means we capitulate to them, always.

What are our “greatest challenges?” Well, people like Kasich is a good example of a pitiful challenge, but
restoring America constitutionalism, the rule of law, removing the corruptive issues of big money, re-
establishing trust in the election process and cleansing out the RiNO’s still sucking the life blood out of the
party is really our biggest challenge, John doesn’t think so. He wants to save it.

Locally, here in my county in Georgia’s 9th congressional district, my sources tell me of troubles in our
once solid Republican party. “The recent meetings of the local GOP, he said, reflect the disunity of the
Republican party nationally, with internal accusations of who’s doing the most to support our elections,
etc.  They’re the same few folks at the party meeting (locally)…maybe 10 of the old guard…while the local
Democratic party is growing and seems enthusiastic. I have no doubt that Georgia will be “blue” after the next state-wide elections, even without the current vote maneuvering.” Continuing, he said: “Someone
mentioned a while back that the Republican lawmakers really don’t care who controls the legislative
branches of government; they each have their funding sources and will play to those interests to keep
their positions….or if they have enough time in service, will retire and become a lobbyist.” And that my friends highlights our biggest problem. We have too many professional politicians, citizens who made
promises to get elected, then succumbed to the corrupted call of easy money to join the ranks of the
disciples of the “deep state.”

Politics should not be a career profession and John Kasich, in his pleading diatribe against Donald Trump
should realize that and go run a lawn and garden center somewhere where manure speak is understood
and acceptable. In the end, John Kasich is a “squabbler” not a fighter. He can’t compare with Trump in
real competition with America’s enemies or match Trump’s accomplishments.

Finally, this from a fan in Nevada: “Damn Republicans want to be known as “gentlemen” and have no
balls. When ignorant idiots like Crooked Hillary, Pelosi, Chuckie, and of course, Maxine Waters make
stupid statements the RNC should run commercials non-stop showing how truly ignorant and out of touch
with reality they are. But the RNC, which is always chaired by a spineless jerk will never do so as they
have no guts to do so. Fight fire with fire I say. Will never happen.”

President Harry Truman said: “Give it to them hard and straight and they’ll remember you!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Sec18)

Draining the Swamp


It’s sad to know that my lost faith in the GOP congress to make America great again was not
misplaced. Once again, having been knocked back into their familiar role as the losing boot
lickers they have become, content to sup on what the Democrats feed them, the remaining
House Republicans, as expected, have elevated a RINO into the minority leadership role to
continue the GOP’s groveling at the feet of Americas National Socialist Party.

Have the GOP members learned nothing? Are Americans to suffer the whining nonsense of
GOP congressmen making promises they won’t keep, or suffer two years of John Kasich trying
to become President so America can benefit from his version of “bipartisanship” with the devil?
It certainly looks that way. Are Republicans really the losers they appear to be? Probably!

This 2018 election had some surprises in it not generally recognized. For the Democrats, the
loudest winners are the new young Marxists like Alex Ocasio-Cortez, a poor rich girl, an
educated bartender but a demonstrably illiterate politician who doesn’t even know or understand
the main elements of her degree majors – economics and International relations. Yet she shouts
and screams idiocy demanding implementation of socialism for all and who, as the youngest
congressman ever, has become the darling of the liberal press. Gag reflex here!

What’s not reported is that many of the new Democrats campaigned as ‘moderates,’ easily
winning seats left vacant by the mass exodus of fearful RINO congressmen afraid of the Blue
wave that didn’t come, except for their seats simply because they were absent. That was an
exercise in draining the swamp par excellence Trump couldn’t count on it but came anyway.

What we are witnessing is a continued draining of the swamp as Trump promised. Draining
anything, especially a swamp, can be a slow, harrowing process especially when the outlets are
clogged by really stupid people who refuse to leave even in the face of insurmountable odds.
Americans want that swamp drained. No more business as usual.

The vast departure of RINO’s is actually a boon to the GOP in the long run. GOP Congressmen
who fail to support President Trump and his swamp draining effort, will soon find themselves
outside again. Eventually, the Jim Jordan’s will take over and the McCarthy’s, Scaliest’s and
Ryan’s, and other favorites of big business, will be subordinate to constitutional political reason.

The world has it’s leaders, many come from within political parties, some from the military. and
precious few from business. Presently, American politics is nearly bereft of any real leadership
except for President Trump who has become, by practice and deed, a leader among leaders.
Germany’s Merkel is on her way out after having polluted the entire European culture with the
followers of Mohammed. So is Britain’s Teressa May, not wanting to give up EU membership.
France’s Macron can’t last long either with the wealthy people leaving in droves, the Muslims
filling up the housing and Sharia suborning French laws.

America still has its leaders. But, many simply won’t apply when they know the crazed Marxist
Democrat Party will defame their names, defile their reputations and besmirch their honor, just
to keep America immobile and helpless before the storm. Contrary to the hopes of Mr. John
Kasich of Ohio, there can be no bipartisanship with evil. Politicians must decide if they will serve
as real statesmen, honest and true, or morph into the likes of Diane Feinstein, Chuckie
Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They must have that chance anyway. Drain the damn swamp!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Nov18)

What Does the Future Bode?


What Does the Future Bode?

The 116th Congress has been sworn in; it’s leadership in serious doubt and its mission, from the Democrat standpoint, confused. It will be a contentious two years. Nancy Pelosi’s place in history, despite the fact she’s’ a dedicated unAmerican Progressive bordering on dementia, is secure. History will reflect she was the first Female House Speaker and the first female elected twice to that position. To be kind to her true but sad legacy, commendations will end there.

Our federal government stands exposed for what it really is, a criminal enterprise operating under the auspices of big business, big government, big banks and, war; always ready for war. That drives the fear that keeps government in operation. All is protected by the now exposed corrupted apparatus of the Deep State, the IRS, the DoJ and the FBI.”

We must seriously forget thinking in terms of Republican vs. Democrat but in terms of ‘Them vs Us,’ us being the “deplorable’s” they so desperately want to rule over. Romney’s recent op-ed remarks made that perfectly clear. Is he one of them or one of us? He’s as corrupt as the rest of ‘em!  Romney focused on form and style not a word on what needs to be done. The American people see Trump for exactly what he is, a do’er who does what he said and gets the things done that needed to be done, like reversing the Progressive agenda the Left labors to preserve.

With political corruption comes the seeds of elitism, implanted into politician who, because he or she has been re-elected time and time again assumes they are better than the voters who put them there and deserve, because of their longevity, to retain the reins of power, even to the point of denying their election losses. That’s why Nancy Pelosi is House Speaker again, despite being a near dimwit, and why she has come to believe she stands as a co-equal with President Trump, clear evidence of her oncoming dementia.

Presently, the Nancy Pelosi refuses to fund a secure border. Five billion dollars funds our government for a day, but naturally, to do so would be giving a political victory to Trump and that they  can’t abide. She’s trying to dampen down Democrat talks of “impeachment” because there is noting there to impeach him for. They’ll wait for the Mueller Report, which I predict will be a twenty pound tome of unprovable BS that Democrats will use to halt all legislative progress.

The new Congress, filled with young new Democrats, poses a problem. The fake news media focuses on the loudest, most flamboyant and really, the stupidest of the new members, Socialist all, who rant on about issues and policies that will never leave the House, let alone be considered in the Senate. The political stalemate is quickly degenerating into a carnival side show for entertainment purposes only. No legislation can possibly come from that quarter.

But also, amongst the newly minted Democrat congressperson’s are CIA and military combat veterans. Why they are Democrats remains a mystery, but the ones I’ve heard speak have not been tainted with the poison of socialism and actually fit better into the old Democrat party’s demographics we once knew and loved so well. I thought I heard a Scoop Jackson today!

But, alas, the House still has its old, decrepit, ignorant, intellectual illuminaries like Maxine Waters to chair the House Finance Committee, Hank, “won’t the Island tip over” Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee and a few others who, because of their notoriety, or is it possibly their stupidity, find microphones shoved into their faces so they can pontificate on how awful Trump is. It’s time to rearrange our priorities, especially if the GOP intends to remain a viable political party. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.

Who Controls the Press Corps?


Clearly, daily White House press corps gatherings are losing their allure and their effectiveness.
Thrill seekers disguised as reporters or worse, journalists, primarily of the Liberal-Progressive
bent, are intent on making themselves the news by challenging the press secretary’s every
comment including her weight, size, candor and/or her intelligence, not to mention the President
himself, not by asking questions pertinent to current issues but by taking irresolute stands
contrary to the facts and demanding answers even when told to sit down and shut up. Their
obnoxiousness is mind numbing and the whole business should be abandoned.

The White House controls the news briefings not Jim Acosta or the other Liberal creatures
dedicated to the Presidents destruction. These people are functionally illiterate, solely dedicated
to challenging the administration at any and every level of the daily news cycle, intent only on
becoming famous themselves.

Perhaps this daily event should no longer be televised, just audio recorded. Perhaps a bulletin
board could be erected on the street where daily items of interest can be posted by a WH press
staffer. Many even a chap with a bell, at noon, crying “hear ye, hear ye,” I don’t know, but this
crazed media frenzy has gotten out of hand and needs to be returned to civility or abandoned.
So, what is the news? Thousands of immigrants in a caravan, declaring their intentions to seek
amnesty in America, do constitute an invasion. The Liberal press spends their face time on such
trivial matters challenging the president directly as to his definition of what’s an invasion. I know
what one looks like, don’t you? While America faces challenges from winning Democrats,
determined to make America Socialist, the silence that falls from the normally boastful democrat
side is ignored. What do they know that we don’t? Something big is going on out there and it’s
being ignored for who defines what constitutes illegal immigrants.

These WH press people, in the face of more news of mass shootings by one deranged person,
will challenge gun laws as ineffective while ignoring the deranged person. They don’t want a
solution, they want an issue to thrash the president with and gun laws don’t do it anymore.
Other interesting happenings all but ignored by the WH press corps was AG Jeff Sessions
departure, his temporary replacement, who is to be the new US Ambassador to the UN, who’s
the new WH lawyer? what’s the view on the potential inditement’s soon to flow against the multi-
level layers of Obama’s hangers-on still in government who have, and still are, actively engaged
against the government?

The post-election news cycle revealed, but isn’t discussed, the fact that every candidate
Trump stumped for won their election because the candidate threw in with a successful
president; and every candidate Obama stumped for, lost. Everyone! That should be newsworthy
. It might explain why the Democrats aren’t boasting as they usually do.

Speaking of which, Nancy Pelosi faces imminent danger. First, she entering a realm of extreme
dementia as her performance at press conferences demonstrate. Coherent thought, recall of
people, places and things turn into babble and she faces a hostile democrat cacuse of young
leftists determined to replace her before she sinks the little hope remaining for survival the
Democrats achieved in their retaking the house. The 2020 presidential re-election campaign has
commenced. The media failed in bringing Trump down in his first two years. What’s next”
Stayed tuned. Remember, freedom is the goal the constitution is the way. Go, get ‘em (8Nov18)

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