Termites (Democrats) in the House


Termites (Democrats) in the House
Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is in California conniving with the fruitcake politicians at the California Democrat State Convention. Succumbing to the raucous chants of “Impeach, Impeach,” Nancy was obligated to agree to move in the direction of impeaching Donald Trump. Every story has a “but” behind it. But, hidden in the context of her rhetoric, she argued for building an “ironclad case” to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.

It will die there because Nancy knows she will never, ever obtain anything “Ironclad” to remove the President let alone place a case before Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, that would even be considered let alone voted on. That leavers her the excuse she needs to beg off and do nothing, and she knows it.

The Democrats impeachment mantra, if pursued, very probably may destroy the Democrat Party as we know it. In the debris left in the wake of its demise, there will still be the radical Progressives, including most of those now running to be Democrat candidate to replace Trump. The slogging will be long, hard and arduous because they have no plans to carry America forward, except socialism. They are bereft of any vision to increase America’s productivity to levels higher than President Trump has brought them. They have nothing and they will lose!

The Democrat Party has work like termites in an old house to eat the core out of what made America Great. The great Termite Party made welfare a Right, not education to learn and advance, but a necessity to survive. Welfare was used specifically to enslave Americans of African Descent by destroying the Black nuclear family. The male head of the family must be employed or not in the household, otherwise, no welfare for the family. Thus, we have still have single Black mothers as heads of household with the uninvolved male hanging around to breed, leaving the fatherless household without male guidance, without hope and no future.

As a remedy, the party of Termites inflicted upon us their “Affirmative Action“ scheme thus reducing the quality of American production and all but destroying Americas once thriving “work ethic.” By their Progressivism, they have turned Americas Judeo-Christian codes of social morality to dust by characterizing Christian churches and the families who attended them as ignorant “clingers.” To compound the rot, the Termite Party has intruded into nearly every American youth program to modify children’s behavior by glorifying homosexuality, perversion and transgenderism as natural acts of love, debasing at the same time any moral objections on the grounds a silly premise and a false notion, It’s the “I’m okay, you’re okay!” mantra.!

To the rising crescendo of “Impeach, Impeach,” apart from her idiotic anti-Trump comments, Pelosi said: “President Trump will be held accountable for his actions. In the Congress, in the courts, and in the court of public opinion, we will defend our democracy.” When the said: “Our Democracy” she treads on a narrow path. Conservatives, especially those few left in the Republican Party, should cease using the word Democracy. The Democrats have ruined it, like the word “Gay!” Democracy means majority rule. The word is not found in the Constitution. Simply put, Democracy is “two wolves and a sheep discussing what to have for dinner.”

The Termite Party never expected the results of their rigged 2016 election. They got instead, a non-politician with practical business acumen to Make America Great Again and their program to “democratize” has thrown them totally off kilter. In their futile attempts to repair the damage, they only expose more of their hypocrisy. How do we get rid of Termites?
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Cultural Marxism, Its Ugly Effect


Cultural Marxism, Its Ugly Effect
The obdurate Left, especially the House leadership, as in the Democrat led Judicial and Intelligence committees, as well as their Progressive base, remain completely discombobulated with the ‘shocking’ results (for them) of the conclusion of Mueller’s two years and millions of dollar in expenses spent in an investigation that failed to produce what they wanted, the negation of the 2016 election, i.e.: the removal of Donald Trump from the Presidency.

Their uncontrollable anguish, while signaling the story’s evanescence, also reveals their staunch determination to hang on to the “Collusion” issue despite the Mueller Reports conclusion. To keep the public’s interest actually signals, even to the most casual observer, their desperation at ending Trump’s Swamp draining exercise and their realization that “it ain’t going to happen.”

When the media’s hard news stories, nearly always lies wrapped in deceit and enveloped in authenticity and have run their course, they are going nowhere because they quickly lose a weary, scandal hungry public. Breathless CNN and MSNBC announcements of the Presidents imminent demise that never materialize, soon bores the public to death and the story atrophies, as it should, as does the media’s veracity. It is the media that sets the daily storyline, except when Trump “Tweets,” and nobody will care anymore. We’re there now.

The salacious Trump Collusion story will now, or rightly should, focus on the real criminals, the Obama officials involved in this tawdry treasonous exercise responsible for the Coup against Trump, the Deep State anti-Trump plotters in the leadership roles of the Obama administration specifically in the FBI, DoJ, CIA, DCI and the IRS.

Now unproven allegations based on Clinton’s phony fusion report, from which errant FISA warrants were issued on false pretenses, rumors cunningly crafted and put into operation by James Comey, ensnares a whole host of conspirators that need to face judgement. If Hillary Clinton, the criminal-in-chief, escapes facing justice because of who she is politically, that will signal the end of legitimate rule of law government and opening the door to the only thing left to satisfy true “deplorable” Americans,“finis terminus acquits!.” It will be terrible!

What is the measure of the Left’s anguish? What is so important to them that they will engage in treason endangering their lives and fortunes to stop Donald Trump from draining the swamp? The answer is available if one only looks. On 10 August, 2017, Foreignpolicy.com reported the firing of a White House Staffer NSC named Rich Higgins. In a memo, Higgins revealed the “Deep State” members within the White House,who were working to undermine Trump. The prime reactionary was Trump’s second Nat. Sec/ adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, who fired Higgins.

Basically, here is a synopsis of the Foreign Policy story: “National Security Council paints a dark picture of media, academics, the “deep state, and other enemies allegedly working to subvert U.S. President Donald Trump, according to a copy of the document obtained by Foreign Policy.
The seven-page document, which eventually landed on the president’s desk, precipitated a crisis that led to the departure of several high-level NSC officials tied to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The author of the memo, Rich Higgins, who was in the strategic planning office at the NSC, was among those recently pushed out.”

The full memo, dated May 2017, is titled “POTUS & Political Warfare.” It provides a sweeping, if at times conspiratorial, view of what it describes as a multi-pronged attack on the Trump White House. Trump is being attacked, the memo says, because he represents “an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative.” Those threatened by Trump include “‘deep state’ actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans.”

The memo is part of a broader political struggle inside the White House between current National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and alt-right operatives with a nationalist worldview who believe the Army general (McMaster) and his crew are subverting the president’s agenda.

The ‘Higgins Memo’ can be read at ForeignPolicy.com or, consult your internet search engine looking for Higgins memo. It’s another window into the dark side. You may be shocked at what you find there.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Call in the Clowns


Call in the Clowns

Regardless of what the leftist fake news media would have us believe, there are some real problems in the Democrat party at several levels that could very well damage it for a long time.
Not thinking is one of them, making false assumptions based on past success’s is another.

Among the first things for conservatives to seriously consider before over-reacting to the Left’s antics, is to know that if what falls from their mouths is any evidence of their intellectual acumen, then what we are really witnessing now, under Pelosi and Schumer, is not a serious political party debating what’s good for America, but a circus side show with Trump as the ring master.

Common sense appears to be totally lacking, overtaken by Marxist ideology. Crowing about the rule of law or constitutional restraints are simply erratic thought processes on our part if we do not understand the Left’s real mission, a socialized one world government with them in charge. The consequences of an out of date document (the US Constitution) that limits government, not encourages it, is the key to how and why they behave as they do.

In defense of their objectives, they utter comments of absolute stupidity in the belief the masses will agree with them. How about this quote, supposedly from a Vermont State Democratic Senator: “We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing who has them, we can do that, if they have guns they are pretty likely to commit a crime.” How about, “Homicide is the leading cause of murder.” by Shelia Jackson Lee; or “May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers means little…” That’s from the Democrat House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Oh yes, she has more. For example: “If we hadn’t fought the war on terror, the VA wouldn’t be having so many problems.” I like this one, also from the incredible Nancy Pelosi: “Building a wall will violate the rights of millions of illegals.” She also said: “We should only deport illegal aliens if they do something illegal,” and this gem, “Just because someone is here illegally doesn’t mean they broke any of our laws.”

We can’t leave out Maxine Water: “The next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal immigrant.” Did she really say that? Don’t forget Hank Johnson, the Rep. from Atlanta, Ga. who opined, at a finance sub-committee hearing his fear that the island of Guam could be in danger of capsizing if the US Marine Corps landed a brigade of marines there.

Chuckie Schumer can’t be left out. He said: “Time and time again, we find “Progressive” laws getting struck down. And, it’s always, always the ones the Constitution is against. These right-wing judges don’t think for themselves, they just do whatever the Constitution says, and it’s time for that to end.” Say what?

Indian princess & Presidential hopeful, Elizabeth Warren told us: “we need judges to be advocates of Progressive laws, not people who will bow to the whims of the Constitution, putting its extremist values of freedom of speech and freedom of religion against our agenda.” And not to be omitted, Sen. Cory Booker opined: “we’re sick and tired of the Constitution sitting in the National Archives, manipulating everything we do.”

These silly Progressive clowns, really believe that they want to run our government but without the constraints of law. They make up laws as they go along like children do in the school play ground. To even consider that idea could quite possibly ignite another bloody civil war. Are we ready for that?

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

What’s with the Gestapo Tactics by Progressives? Power!


Have we already forgotten the Elian Gonzales fiasco when Bill Clinton’s Attorney General sent in her Storm Troopers, agents encased in Kevlar, armed to the teeth, to kidnap one little Cuban refugee boy and forcibly return him to Father Fidel? The one scene that remains locked in the memory is the frightened wee lad huddled in a closet with a masked and helmeted federal agent shoving an AR-15 in his face.

Do we forget Waco, Tx. where Storm Troopers attacked a religious compound with a tank and an army of Federal Agents on some BS pretext to stop them from practicing their religious beliefs? In the ensuing melee, the Feds crashed their RV into the building setting it ablaze and burning nearly sixty people to death, most of them little children.

Before their sacrificial immolation to the gods of Socialist Progressivism, the Waco bunch, Branch Meridians, sought to protect themselves by the last constitutional means available to them, the 2nd Amendment, and paid the supreme penalty for their perfidy. Sadly, a few agents got in the way of return fire and were hit, yet, the progressive government of Bill Clinton found justification in the governments criminal action and the whole sad event was soon forgotten.

Ruby Ridge is another case remindful of the governments application of Gestapo tactics, also used during the Clinton administration. The public, seeing what was unfolding couldn’t believe what was happening, right here in our America. A woman holding her baby, inside the door of her home, was shot dead by a federal sniper and, after all was said and done, the target of their attack still went free and the govt. had to pay him reparations, fees and expenses. They could never return to him his wife and mother of his child.

Now, with the Progressive Deep State still in functional control of the DoJ and the FBI, early morning raids by a host of armed federal agents, CNN in tow to record their bravery, pounded on the door of their target, a sixty-eight year old man, demanding he immediately open up and let them in. That is Gestapo and, I might add, Soviet KGB style terrorism to their own populous, to demonstrate, in the world theater of government inevitability, that we deplorable’s had better not resist when they come after us no matter the pretext.

At the moment, even as Special Prosecutor Mueller’s case against President Trump collapses, the object of what we are witnessing remains the Deep States desperate need to destroy Donald Trump, before he can finish God’s work. Trump is probably the best and most effective real leader America has seen since Abe Lincoln.

The current House of Representatives under the leadership of demented House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will squander their next two years fruitlessly protecting Mueller and his important inquiries into the already discredited Trump-Russian collusion nonsense, while obstructing the Presidents determined efforts to tear down Obama’s destructive legacy of incompetence, and prevent him, through lawsuits filed in cooperative progressive manned federal courts, from completing the goals he promised and we want.

Progressivism is a curse on society. It has no constructive alternative to any society based on freedom and liberty. When in control, they must “lead from behind” (push), mandate solutions that fit all, requiring all citizens to comply. And, they must squander tax payer money on importing voters, by hook or crook, that will keep them in power. Power is their opiate.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the only way. Now, go get ‘em!

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