Is Impeachment a Celebrity Trap for the Democrats?


Is Impeachment a Celebrity Trap for the Democrats?
It was Oscar Wilde I think, who opined “the second worst thing in the world is being talked about. The worst thing is not being talked about.” Wilde was referring to his ‘celebrity’ of course, having it and then losing it like the Democrats seem determined to do.

The Nobel Peace Prize once enjoyed the ‘celebrity’ of its uniqueness until it was laughingly awarded to Jimmy Carter for his failed Camp David Accords effort, an insult to peacekeepers everywhere. To compound the insult, it was awarded to Al Gore for his silly obsession with melting ice, dying polar bears and rising oceans. Then, even before finishing six months in office, the prize was award to Obama, not for what he did but for what he said he would do, a new low! It was talked about, then not talked about, then forgotten. The Nobel Prize is near meaningless, the medal a mere trinket. Celebrity lost!

Are the Democrats going to achieve the same results with their Articles of Impeachment? We’ll see.
Right now, the Democrat Congress, having lost their attempt to oust our duly elected President for lack of evidence because there was none, have demanded Trumps “impeachment” for high crimes and misdemeanors, however that’s defined. However they want to define it, I’m for it, not because I want Trump gone, no indeed, just then opposite, because it gives him an open forum to defend himself and expose the miscreants of the deep state. “When the trumpet sounds, In unfrenzied excitement he plows up the ground, he paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength and charges into the fray, afraid of nothing.”

Once the House pass’s its indictment to Impeach, it goes to the Senate for trial. It’s probable the Republican Senate will put a swift end to the procedure but doing so will rob Trump and America, from the joy of watching the close examination that will reveal the tawdry facts. Any Republican Senator who votes for impeachment will be marked as the traitors they are, to face their own voters at their next campaign.

The Senates trial will allow Trump’s team, for the first time, to have the right to question all of these people under oath: Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director Comey, S/A Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Chris Steele, Brennan, Clapper, and a bunch of other participants we haven’t even heard of, all involved in the coup attempt. They know that and they don’t want to be anywhere near a trial of a real surviver, Donald Trump. In their desperation and fear they will turn on themselves, which has probably already started.

Under the probing questions by Trumps attorney’s, the real truth will be revealed. As the finger pointing occurs, deals will be made and suddenly a lot of democrats will wish they were somewhere else. Many are going to be charged with real Crimes and Misdemeanors and they will go to jail. America needs to be cleansed. The celebrity of political leadership has been irrevocably tarnished.

If you didn’t realize it, the ball will be in our court. The Republican controlled Senate will determine what testimony is allowed. Remember, Hillary Clinton bailed out the Bankrupt DNC effectively taking political control of it. From that unholy union came the DNC’s (Hillary’) decision to fix the Democrat Primary election in her favor; followed by the phony Trump dossier, her cover up and destruction of subpoenaed incriminating email evidence and her later public exculpation by FBI Director Comey. Outrageous! It will all come out, if they go to trial.

If the Senate declines to convict the President, as they doubtless will, then the Democrat legislative obstruction will proceed as usual, as will the election that Trump will win. People will have seen that democrats have wasted over two years trying to hold onto their power. America’s real needs, the invasion of our borders, China’s growing hegemony in South-East Asia, Iran’s sword rattling, creating more American jobs and restoring our defense capabilities, will all be ignored, if the Democrats stay in the Congress.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

The Face of Tyranny


The Face of Tyranny
This business of the FBI allegedly conducting an unauthorized and independent investigation against the President of the United States simply because he fired James Comey, smacks of high treason. The operative word here is “unauthorized.” Investigations by federal investigative agencies with authority to make arrests, must be authorized by some higher authority empowered, by statute, to requests such an investigation. It’s called “Predication.” Who authorized the investigation into Donald Trump? It was McCabe, a Trump hater. Upon what criminal or CI issue was it predicated? It was an attempted coup against the President.

In the military, a commanding officer, of any level of command, can request an investigation on so and so, or such and such to gather facts incidental to a crime or issues deemed prejudicial to good order and discipline. Depending on the nature of the suspected crime or person to be investigated, such requests, if on major incidents, like felonies, counter-intelligence issues and etc., most often will rise to higher authority for ‘predication.’ An investigation request by a ship’s captain, if serious enough will nearly always rise to a squadron, flotilla or fleet command level before any investigation is officially opened, let alone conducted.

For any federal policing agency, with the powers of arrest, to independently initiate an investigation against any individual without authorization from higher authority, marks that agency as ‘rogue’ and therefore criminal, and would render any evidence collected, any arrest made and any prosecution desired, absolutely untenable. Agents involved could be fired, prosecuted themselves and open for personal damage law suites.

These are the practices of totalitarian states. It is not how America has done its policing. The former East Germany’s Stazi, the Soviets KGB and whatever the Chinese call their secret police, are prime examples of police states. Their authority to protect the state is omnipotent and their tactics authorized. Their very existence strikes fear and terror into the populace, like the Gestapo of Nazi Germany did. They are never challenged and it is from these quarters where citizens are visited by arrests in the dark of night, brutal interrogations in hidden prison cells often ending with a midnight “affronter a mort” with a bullet.

So, how did this Gestapo mentality infect America’s FBI? The disease of police tyranny appears to be limited only to the highest levels of the FBI. Street level agents will investigate as they are told and that could include raids ending in violence. That is the face of tyranny! Attorneys should never run a police agency. The Director of the FBI must be one who has risen through the FBI’s ranks. At the federal level, career DoJ attorneys with agendas, are easily corruptible.

Is this our America now? Have the Clinton’s and the Obama’s so polluted the government politically that the “deep state,’ long embedded in the hierarchy of the FBI, DoJ and the IRS, no longer fear the wrath of the American people? Who’s going to call them out? Who’s going to get the ball of justice rolling? The Clinton’s remain free, Loretta Lynch remains free, Lois Learner remains free, John Brennan remains free, the former DNI remains free, James Comey remains free, Strzok and Page both remain free. When will the hand of justice pick this ripe fruit?

What the NYT did, believing they were exposing a hot scoop against Trump, was to rip the scab off the wound and further reveal the depth of political tyranny in the FBI. I’m growing tired of this criminal unaccountability by the Left. We’ll soon have a new Attorney General. Let’s hope he gets the ball rolling. Let’s expect to see justice done. The alternative is also unacceptable.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Injustice Personified


I’m dumbstruck when I consider all the money authorized and wasted by the Republican
controlled congress over the past two years, on the baseless Trump-Russia collusion fallacy
when the low hanging fruit of the Clinton’s RICO reeking cabal that is Bill and Hillary’s self
sustaining charitable foundation offers such low hanging fruit so ripe for the picking that even
the most incompetent federal prosecutor, even one with a mail order degree, could win.
The avowed criminal, former FBI Director James Comey, by his own admission, is one of those
low hanging fruits ready for easy harvesting. He should be a “slam-dunk” for prosecution. So is
Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok, Bruce Orr and the several previously disgraced attorneys
serving on Mueller’s team of Trump hating investigators. (Sen Stevens R-AK)

Now that Pelosi and her stable of mindless idiot socialists are soon to take over the House, the
GOP has finally decided, in its last three weeks of existence, to consider the crimes of the
Clinton Foundation ignored by the DoJ, and investigate ‘em themselves. It’s all Nonsense!
Pushed for time the GOP has now decided they had better look like they are doing something to
appease the base. But remember, most of these people are still part of the “uni-party’ that is the
deep state, many of them still hate Donald Trump.

Taking down the Clintons should be easy via her foundation. Hillary, the driving force of her
foundation’s corruption, unfortunately, lacks the people skills that should keep the little people
under her, the now mass of whistleblowers coming forward, from turning “states evidence” and
dropping a dime. Many have physical evidence proving her corruption and now we learn that
one whistleblower has been the recipient of a late night FBI search warrant. Why was that? He
already gave them everything he had. It was to shut him and other whistleblowers up.

The mafia does that for their own security except they don’t take chances; the whistleblower is
usually killed publicly, for all to see so that other witnesses will readjust their commitment to law
and order. Right now, a bunch of former Clinton employees, State Dept. employees and others,
who Hillary held in contempt as simply “little people,” servants beneath her dignity, are ready to
dump on her. So, let’s get it going.

The former senior executive levels of the FBI, Director James Comey, and his associates,
considered themselves sacrosanct when it comes to enforcing the law of the United States,
except when the law interferes with their own needs. At the moment, they want Trump out of
office before they lose everything and, hiding behind the facade of counterintelligence, they set
about fabricating a case against Donald Trump, because he won and their favorite, Hillary
Clinton, didn’t. That is injustice personified and corruption at its most apparent.

One of their early targets was Trumps National Security advisor, Lt. Gen. Flynn, former Director
of the DIA, with a distinguished thirty-year army career. Through ruse and subterfuge, they
tricked the general into making statements, not under Miranda warning, that they claimed were
lies. Lying to the FBI constitutes a serious crime if nothing else can be proven. It now appears
the Federal judge involved in the Flynn case has serious doubts about the FBI’s handling of the
Flynn case. Flynn pled ‘guilty’ just to avoid bankruptcy but, none the less, he was left near
destitute, in penury. That’s injustice personified. What do we learn from this tawdry business?
Stay out of politics? Perhaps! Trust the judiciary to do the right thing or absolutely never, ever
speak to or trust the FBI? All apply.

Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (13Dec18)

What Does the Future Bode?


What Does the Future Bode?

The 116th Congress has been sworn in; it’s leadership in serious doubt and its mission, from the Democrat standpoint, confused. It will be a contentious two years. Nancy Pelosi’s place in history, despite the fact she’s’ a dedicated unAmerican Progressive bordering on dementia, is secure. History will reflect she was the first Female House Speaker and the first female elected twice to that position. To be kind to her true but sad legacy, commendations will end there.

Our federal government stands exposed for what it really is, a criminal enterprise operating under the auspices of big business, big government, big banks and, war; always ready for war. That drives the fear that keeps government in operation. All is protected by the now exposed corrupted apparatus of the Deep State, the IRS, the DoJ and the FBI.”

We must seriously forget thinking in terms of Republican vs. Democrat but in terms of ‘Them vs Us,’ us being the “deplorable’s” they so desperately want to rule over. Romney’s recent op-ed remarks made that perfectly clear. Is he one of them or one of us? He’s as corrupt as the rest of ‘em!  Romney focused on form and style not a word on what needs to be done. The American people see Trump for exactly what he is, a do’er who does what he said and gets the things done that needed to be done, like reversing the Progressive agenda the Left labors to preserve.

With political corruption comes the seeds of elitism, implanted into politician who, because he or she has been re-elected time and time again assumes they are better than the voters who put them there and deserve, because of their longevity, to retain the reins of power, even to the point of denying their election losses. That’s why Nancy Pelosi is House Speaker again, despite being a near dimwit, and why she has come to believe she stands as a co-equal with President Trump, clear evidence of her oncoming dementia.

Presently, the Nancy Pelosi refuses to fund a secure border. Five billion dollars funds our government for a day, but naturally, to do so would be giving a political victory to Trump and that they  can’t abide. She’s trying to dampen down Democrat talks of “impeachment” because there is noting there to impeach him for. They’ll wait for the Mueller Report, which I predict will be a twenty pound tome of unprovable BS that Democrats will use to halt all legislative progress.

The new Congress, filled with young new Democrats, poses a problem. The fake news media focuses on the loudest, most flamboyant and really, the stupidest of the new members, Socialist all, who rant on about issues and policies that will never leave the House, let alone be considered in the Senate. The political stalemate is quickly degenerating into a carnival side show for entertainment purposes only. No legislation can possibly come from that quarter.

But also, amongst the newly minted Democrat congressperson’s are CIA and military combat veterans. Why they are Democrats remains a mystery, but the ones I’ve heard speak have not been tainted with the poison of socialism and actually fit better into the old Democrat party’s demographics we once knew and loved so well. I thought I heard a Scoop Jackson today!

But, alas, the House still has its old, decrepit, ignorant, intellectual illuminaries like Maxine Waters to chair the House Finance Committee, Hank, “won’t the Island tip over” Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee and a few others who, because of their notoriety, or is it possibly their stupidity, find microphones shoved into their faces so they can pontificate on how awful Trump is. It’s time to rearrange our priorities, especially if the GOP intends to remain a viable political party. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.

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