Does the Cost of Staying in Power Include China?


Written and Submitted by George McClellan

Americans are in a quandary. Is it even possible to consider Obama’s shadow idiot, China Joe
Biden to be our next president? Exactly! Nobody does not even the Marxist Democrat Party or
their propaganda arm, the main stream media. Presumably, China Joe is now the presidential
pretender-elect, unless God strikes through the upcoming congressional electors process which
does provide a route that invalidates China Joe Biden’s stolen election. It’s possible!
If the electoral certification vote by the Congress is challenged by any one Congressman and
one Senator, and the process proceeds according to the Constitution and states electors throw
the suspected electoral votes into Trumps column, then Abraham Lincoln’s words ring loudly
from the past as truths today:
“We the people are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution”

For career politicians like Joe, nothing apparently, is easier to do than loot the US treasury to
buy and sell favors, offer bribes, bail out dysfunctional Blue City and State governments who
have looted their own treasury’s to buy and sell votes to stay in power. China Joe alone
occupies the role as the patron saint of mediocracy! With his mediocrity, protected by his status
and position, comes the elitism that makes him and those like him, feel safe engaging in their
self-enrichment. If his voters cared they wouldn’t have re-elected him for over forty years as
their Senator, would they?

China Joe Biden convicted himself with his casual remarks bragging about how he got a
Ukrainian prosecutor fired for not dropping his investigation into a corrupt energy company
(Burisma) investigation that compan’s corruption that included his son Hunter Biden, a
treasured, valued and important contributing member of the Burisma Board.
Mediocrity must be a family trait. Hunter opened the door to his and his dad’s potential
destruction by failing to redeem a laptop computer from a repair shop that contained enough
implicating, criminal material to even convict the “Statue of Liberty!”

Then came the entangling web of China, a $1.5 billion dollar contract to Hunter Biden because
his lawyering skills were so in demand by a Chinese company. Apparently the IRS and the FBI
have long had Hunter Biden in their sites but the democrat propaganda machine of the Marxist
Democrat Party, completely shut the stories down. “Nothing to see here” except to see another
application of the Democrats standard denial model: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame
somebody else.” Actually a lame attempt was made to blame…Trump! Hahaha!
China has flooded America with spy’s under Obama and Biden’s watch. They came as students,
scientists, educators, board member of American companies they’re invested in and "Honey
Tarts” seeking the sexual favors of really corrupt and stupid politicians. “Oh, I lub you bery
much, you so good!" Who could resist that come on?

The Democrat plan to rearrange the deck chairs on their Titanic has started. The media is now
going all in against Hunter Biden. It would have taken down China Joe before the election but
now, it’s an exercise in a power grab by the radicals that will leave the door open to Commie
Harris. China has a great investment in America’s failure. It’s their destiny to rule the world, they
think! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get & ’em! (16Dec20)

Is Paris Burning?


At the recent G-20 conference in Brazil, the European Union nations kept trying to get our
President Trump to reverse his course of taking America out of the Paris climate accords and
sign back on like a good fellow, and do the right thing, help save the planet.

Trump didn’t and he won’t and in fact, he scoffed at the preposterous notion of man-made global
climate change or of imposing onerous taxes on Americans for no logical reason. The whole
scheme is a wealth transfer scam that demands of the wealthy nations of the industrial world to
pony up their ‘fair share’ of financial support for the poorer nations of the world. Mind you,
The United States already has reduced its carbon emissions footprint far below the levels of any
other country in the world, yet we are still held out as the biggest offenders and they wonder
why we won’t comply. I don’t believe Trump is finished yet! Let’s hear from China and India first.

Already the US spends more money on foreign policy matters much of which it seems ends up
in the private bank accounts of petite dictators. It’s not hard to recognize a scam when we see
it. We give them money and they still vote against us in the UN. Their goal, of course, is worldwide
socialism and they expect we should pay for it. We can thank Democrats for that, and
especially that Obama creature. If Democrats are returned to power, we will.

How are silly schemes like the Paris climate accords, where each nation pledges (not promises)
to reduce greenhouse gases get funded? Easy, by each country enforcing compliance through
increased fuel taxes or, really, the taxing of all carbon producing products, i.e.: fossil fuels.

Well, the once popular young President of France, Manny Macron, did just that. He imposed a
carbon tax on motor fuel and set the streets of Paris on fire. At a stroke, he created a massive
civil protest that has turned deadly violent and quickly went viral with citizens setting fires to anything
on the streets of central Paris. “Is Paris Burning?” You bet it is and the Parisians haven’t
had this much fun since the IFF helped drive out the Nazi’s in WW2.

The French riots over the fuel tax have been going on for three weeks now. Why don’t we hear
about it here? Because the Leftist media won’t report on it. These riots have turned deadly and
ABC, NBC, and CNN refuse to mention the cause of the rioting was directly attributable to
Macrons carbon tax They mislead viewers by calling the riots a “simple fuel tax” or, as ABC’s
World News Tonight anchor David Muir, called it, “rising living costs.” ABC gave the story an
informative full twenty-one seconds air time. On NBC’s website it was reported that Macron said
the increased fuel taxes was part of his effort “to combat climate change,”

However, CBS Evening News did reveal the real intentions of Macrons “fuel tax.” Macron was
‘booed’ as he toured the damaged riot areas. Macron had vowed he “wouldn’t back down on his
fuel taxes aimed at cutting carbon emissions,” Well, guess what, he backed down!

I suspect we don’t hear about the French riots because our homegrown Liberals want a carbon
tax like that too, but are now afraid of igniting similar riotous consequences. Democrats must, at
all costs, protect their plans to impose socialism on America. Everybody agrees to clean air and
water. Who can argue against that? But, if imposed, the Climate Agenda will push America’s
middle class into complete penury and the poor will be crushed totally. We wouldn’t even have
enough loose change left in our pockets to buy the ammunition we’ll need to dissuade the
socialist from their evil plans. Embracing carbon taxes is a fools errand. Don’t do it!
Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ‘em! (04Dec18)

Birth Rights, To Be or Not To Be?


The Democrat tergiversation of their once rock-solid position on illegal immigration and how to
protect our country from it is so shameful that it shocks the very foundations of our long and
respected adherence to republican constitutionalism. The shame! The Left isn’t shamed!

Good ol’ Harry Reid, the hypocrite, when he was Senate Majority Leader, once spoke out
eloquently on the subject saying that America had a duty to protect its borders and should do so
by changing the law to forbid the idea of anchor babies as legitimate American citizens as the
14th amendment was then, and still is, interpreted. “If you grant citizenship to children of parents
who have no lawful right to be in the United States, you’ll get more would-be parents attempting
to enter the United States unlawfully.” Thousands are approaching our border right now.

Harry even wrote a law for consideration. Reid’s 1993 proposal was intended to try to change
the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment by an Act of Congress, i.e.: a law. The basis of
Reid’s proposal was to: “declare that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to
a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a
lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which
either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen or is entitled upon application to
become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the
jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within
the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States
or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of
birth.” Well, obviously that didn’t catch hold but, if it had it would have then presented another
problem for the flip-flopping Democrats, how to get rid of it.

Senator, Barak Obama, once defended actions that would deny America birthrights to children
of illegal gate crashers. Then he signed DACA. How do you spell hypocrisy? Democrat?

Trump tossed out a signal that he would cease the practice of legalizing anchor babies born in
America to illegal mothers by executive order and, predictably, the left and its media went nuts
again. Trump is trolling them and they rise to his bait. There is an old saying that cautions:
“Never argue with an idiot because he’ll drag you down to his level and beat you to death with
his experience.” That might as well be said for Donald Trump. Don’t try to argue with him or
match him in the field of hardball argument. You’ll lose and look stupid doing it.

One of the arguments now rising asks how Trump’s Supreme Court would handle this issue if
the Congress actually passed a law forbidding the legitimation of birthright babies as US
citizens. It is suggested they would take their good time in serious debate and consideration and
probably find the law unconstitutional. In fact, an 1800’s era Supreme Court actually did so. But,
as constitutionalists, we know that can change because we also know that Roe vs. Wade is
unconstitutional and will, hopefully someday soon, find itself on the ash heap of liberal mistakes.
I mean, murder is murder, isn’t it? How does a potential real US citizen have the opportunity to
experience the constitutional guarantees of Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness if they are
shredded in the womb before they even have the chance to find out? Just asking!

The Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution, only the laws that do not fit within its
construct. But, neither can they legislate. That’s not their job. This issue highlights the problem
of judicial activism that is the real danger to America. Maybe we can kill two birds with one
stone! Remember, freedom is the goal, the constitution is the way. No, go vote! (31Oct18)

Who Controls the Press Corps?


Clearly, daily White House press corps gatherings are losing their allure and their effectiveness.
Thrill seekers disguised as reporters or worse, journalists, primarily of the Liberal-Progressive
bent, are intent on making themselves the news by challenging the press secretary’s every
comment including her weight, size, candor and/or her intelligence, not to mention the President
himself, not by asking questions pertinent to current issues but by taking irresolute stands
contrary to the facts and demanding answers even when told to sit down and shut up. Their
obnoxiousness is mind numbing and the whole business should be abandoned.

The White House controls the news briefings not Jim Acosta or the other Liberal creatures
dedicated to the Presidents destruction. These people are functionally illiterate, solely dedicated
to challenging the administration at any and every level of the daily news cycle, intent only on
becoming famous themselves.

Perhaps this daily event should no longer be televised, just audio recorded. Perhaps a bulletin
board could be erected on the street where daily items of interest can be posted by a WH press
staffer. Many even a chap with a bell, at noon, crying “hear ye, hear ye,” I don’t know, but this
crazed media frenzy has gotten out of hand and needs to be returned to civility or abandoned.
So, what is the news? Thousands of immigrants in a caravan, declaring their intentions to seek
amnesty in America, do constitute an invasion. The Liberal press spends their face time on such
trivial matters challenging the president directly as to his definition of what’s an invasion. I know
what one looks like, don’t you? While America faces challenges from winning Democrats,
determined to make America Socialist, the silence that falls from the normally boastful democrat
side is ignored. What do they know that we don’t? Something big is going on out there and it’s
being ignored for who defines what constitutes illegal immigrants.

These WH press people, in the face of more news of mass shootings by one deranged person,
will challenge gun laws as ineffective while ignoring the deranged person. They don’t want a
solution, they want an issue to thrash the president with and gun laws don’t do it anymore.
Other interesting happenings all but ignored by the WH press corps was AG Jeff Sessions
departure, his temporary replacement, who is to be the new US Ambassador to the UN, who’s
the new WH lawyer? what’s the view on the potential inditement’s soon to flow against the multi-
level layers of Obama’s hangers-on still in government who have, and still are, actively engaged
against the government?

The post-election news cycle revealed, but isn’t discussed, the fact that every candidate
Trump stumped for won their election because the candidate threw in with a successful
president; and every candidate Obama stumped for, lost. Everyone! That should be newsworthy
. It might explain why the Democrats aren’t boasting as they usually do.

Speaking of which, Nancy Pelosi faces imminent danger. First, she entering a realm of extreme
dementia as her performance at press conferences demonstrate. Coherent thought, recall of
people, places and things turn into babble and she faces a hostile democrat cacuse of young
leftists determined to replace her before she sinks the little hope remaining for survival the
Democrats achieved in their retaking the house. The 2020 presidential re-election campaign has
commenced. The media failed in bringing Trump down in his first two years. What’s next”
Stayed tuned. Remember, freedom is the goal the constitution is the way. Go, get ‘em (8Nov18)

07, Nov 2018 – And Nothing Really Has Changed


5:00 am, 07 Nov 2018 – By now, most people are acquainted with national voting outcomes and realize
there was no wave, Red or Blue and American politics will remain a mishmash. Democrats regained the
House by 34, meaning two more years of stalemate. Republicans kept the Senate by increasing their hold
there by three. Missed by the media is that the candidates that Trump campaigned for all won. Trump
now will turn to the use of his veto pen. Military spending will slow, for two years at least, and spending for
illegals will be vetoed to death. It will be a wasted two years for Democrats, but the Judiciary will turn to its
original roots of strict constitutionalism. Watch Trump negotiate the art of the deal with Democrats.

Sorting out voting results for local and other state candidates and issues will take a while. That the US
House of Representatives slipped back into Democrat hands, while consistent with mid-presidential term
voting patterns, is still an issue that will ensure continued political conflict and an even wider divide
between Conservative and Socialist supporters of the direction America will take. Will this signal another
step toward a Venezuela and Cuba style life or a misstep of retaining Americans position as the worlds
economic and military steadying super power? Imagine, Nancy Pelosi once again as Speaker of the
House and that demented screeching mad Max(ine) Waters chairing the House Financial Committee. The
inmates are truly taking control of one wing of the asylum.

I lay the loss of the House of Representatives at the feet of Speaker Paul Ryan, a hopeless never
Trumper extrodinaire, whose lack-luster performance for supporting conservative trending Republican
candidates betrayed his desire for retaining a big government, ’business as usual,’ anybody but Trump
attitude. But, he’ll be gone soon and a rearrangement of the chairs on the Houses deck will commence
while the screaming Democrats start their inquisition trials against Trump and Kavanaugh. Wait for it.

Sadly, Scott Walker, three time winning Governor of Wisconsin, (don’t forget the recall) was outed by a
percentage point to Tony Evers, so watch as that state once again slips under the corrupt influence of
union thuggery. Kansas, whose Republican Attorney General, Kris Kobach, took a shot at the
Governorship lost to Democrat Laura Kelly, while Florida remained all “Red.” It is now safe for the DoJ to
indite losing Democrat candidate Andrew Gillum for his fraud crimes. California, under Gavin Newsom,
will continue to function as a pitiful example of Americas potential Venezuela outcome. Blackburn won the
Republican seat vacated by a RINO and McSally kept Arizona in GOP hands.

The good news is that most of the House Republicans whose seats were challenged and won by
Democrats, were Republicans who quit or retired leaving a vacant seat to be refilled. So be it! Most of the
emotional news worthy Senate contests fell favorably to Republicans, including Arizona, Texas. Democrat
Senators in battleground states who voted against Justice Kavanaugh, all lost and that includes
Missouri’s Macaskill. Michigan's splendid Republican candidate for Senate, West Point graduate and
combat veteran John James slipped below the waves, while a dead whorehouse owner in Nevada won
his House seat.

I’ll not continue with more election results because they’ll be all the news today. What I will say is that
America clearly stands at the edge of meaningless. The next several years will be a head butting contest
between a Constitutional, law abiding citizenry and Sanctuary City, open border loving Socialists.

What was revealed is that democrats gains came despite their having absolutely no program to run on
except “Impeach Trump.” The campaigns of Democrat candidates were all propaganda and fake news,
designed to move their candidate to the center politically, and avoid what they realize is a non-starter for
most Americans, the aura of being a true communist candidate.

Conservatives have two years to reconstruct their Congressional candidates to rid congress of the
remaining RINO’s. Pelosi, if she survives her own caucus, should be a boon to regaining the house in two

For Republicans, cleansing the institutions charged with the education of America’s children in our nearly
totally corrupted colleges and universities, must become a priority. Challenging them directly won’t work but making them redundant can. Conservatives must also keep up their pursuit of the Black and Latino
voters and convince them to leave the Democrat plantation for conservatism where they can have the
opportunity to prosper. The next time I use the term “Republican” and don’t have to hold my breath doing
so, will be when conservatives predominate in the Congress, the Senate remains Republican and Trump
starts his second term.

Watch for the Left to reengage their shock-troops to hit the streets in support of any issue they think
necessary to boost their limited power and, their power is limited. The swelling sanctuary city rolls will
economically collapse those leftist governments that have abandoned the rule of law while anarchy will
sweep their streets when they run out of tax payer funds. Expect Paul Ryan to challenge Trump for
President in 2020 but first, he’ll have to nudge former Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, out of the way.

For the next few years, bipartisanship will be a nonstarter. We’re in for an interesting two years and
Conservatives have a lot of work to do so, we cannot lose faith, but get out there and get busy; continue
the attack on the idiots and idiocy of the Left.

Finally, the good news is that I can now have my e-mail back. Daily, and I suspect most of you also,
delete hundreds of pleas for donations, double donations, split donations and etc. especially from
democrats PAC’s whining about being stabbed in the back and etc.

Today is the first day of Trump’s campaign for re-election. He’s a winner so let’s find politicians who will
work with him.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ‘em! (07Nov18)

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