The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King


The Queen is Dead, Long Live the King
Daily, we are entertained by the apparent implosion of the Democrat Party in their hysteria at their failed multiple schemes to oust Donald Trump from the Presidency. Especially hurtful to Democrats was the conclusion of the Mueller report, a peripeteia which, like Hillary Clinton was unable to do in 2016, they can’t do now, accept defeat and move on. They don’t want to move on but, the non-issue has taken our eyes off the ball, their true goal, the control of the Congress.

Nancy Pelosi, titular head of the House and the Democrats that abide therein, speaks effortlessly with her hands but articulates in a nearly undecipherable ‘congressese’ using terms and ideas that have long lost their luster and appeal. Other old time Democrats, now committee chairmen like Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and John Lewis, spout complete impeachment nonsense about further prosecuting the failed Mueller Report because “there has to be something in there that was missed.” The clue words in that sentence is “old time.”

These “old time” Democrats may or may not be aware of what’s coming because their egos and age, cloud their eyes, but they are being replaced, one congressional district at a time, by young socialists. In their eyes, Republican challengers are to be brushed aside as well. They are pushing the Socialist message, one, because of the heavy indebtedness of college students, two, because they believe government should supply health care and wages and, three, Capitalist hold all the money, and they don’t. Laugh if you will but those ideas are taking hold.

The best example is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a college educated but ignorant nymphette from the Bronx who, as silly as she sounds, is still ‘sounding.’ Worse, young folk are listening. We Conservatives may laugh at her ideas and mark them down as silly ‘socialist’ notions, which they are, but a lot of American’s aren’t. Many are listening and we should be alarmed.

Socialists, fifty years ago or longer, infiltrated the Democrat Party, rotted it out from within, and took over. Now the Marxist/Communists are inside moving to replace them. Makes no difference if they are bartenders or dancers, or don’t know a lick about their collage major subject, so long as their presence in Congress can foul up the works like we’re seeing now; they disdain the old timers of the Democrat Party; will snatch the public microphones away and repeat their silly nonsense. Nancy is no longer in control of the Democrat message, the radicals are.

Can we really believe that AOC actually beat a long established old time Democrat politician because of her dancing charms? I don’t think so. She won because the far-left puppet masters saw in her a dedicated Bernie Sanders socialist and picked her to run. Knowing her district has a low voter turnout profile they sponsored her election campaign to do exactly what they accomplished, put a young, noisy Socialist in Congress. This is going to go on and on.

Where did the two Muslim women come from? How did they come to be Congress? They don’t even believe in America. Certainly not from appealing to a vast network of voters. I argue that because the US Constitution and Shariah law are totally incompatible, muslims should automatically be disqualified from holding any office at any level in America, and yet, they’re taking over small cities and towns across the nation under threats of Islamaphobia and racism.

Finally, the obdurate Hillary Clinton is so lost in her dream world that I suspect, like Mary Todd Lincoln, she may one day end up in an asylum babbling about her election being stolen, long before she heads for prison. It’s a sad commentary of our times but the Queen is dead, long live the King. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the only way.

Kasich’s Attacks Continue


A perennial GOP wanna-be presidential hopeful, John Kasich tells us: “Every day there is chaos coming
out of Washington and the Trump White House. It’s diminishing our American values, threatening our
international alliances and resulting in few policy accomplishments for the American people. Enough is
enough. It’s time for us all – as Americans to put aside the party politics and work together to face our
greatest challenges.”

I want to try to decipher what the estimable John Kasich thinks he means: First, “chaos” is a word which,
in its negative connotation, basically describes the violent collapse of societies. Now, only the Democrats
are in a state of violent hysterical collapse. But, once started, lurking within its violence, old scores are
settled, revenge meted out, hatreds revealed and destruction of property becomes the rule of the day.
Actually, Chaos is anarchy as Kasich sees it but we’re not there yet, except Portland and Baltimore.

Chaos is part of the necessary cleansing feature when societies attempt to reestablish order and
authority. I didn’t say ‘lawful order’ because as we learned from Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution that
overthrew Czarist Russia and the National Socialists that suborned then lawfully displace the decrepit
Weirder Republic of post WW1 Germany, we see two examples of Socialism’s chaotic roadmap to
achieve leadership by tyranny. Excuses for these revolutions will vary.

Kasich say’s the “chaos” comes out of Washington and the White House. Washington is a broad brush
word that covers a multitude of sins but, by saying ‘White House,’ he directly means president Trump.
Kasich hates President Trump because of Trumps accomplishes and, he’s mean. By Trump’s frontal
attacks against the open enemies of American, the socialist embedded within the Democrat party and the
their policies that fail the test of Constitutionalism, reveals the real chaos Kasich talks about. Trump has
been a huge success. John Kasich, nor any other Republican, could never do that. Kasich is part of the
problem, a uni-party deep-state advocate.

John K. believes the ‘chaos’ he mentions is “diminishing our American values.” Well, what are those
American values he envisions? I don’t know but, clearly the voters who put Trump in office wanted a
restoration of our liberties, and a reduction of Obama’s onerous and economically regulation state that
nearly crushed American progress under the heels of totalitarian incompetency where nothing works but
government. Trump has done that!

John also said: Trump “was threatening our international alliances resulting in few policy
accomplishments by the American people.” First, what foreign policy accomplishment did Obama make?
Actually, there’s not enough space left here to list Trump’s accomplishments. In only two years he has
eliminated NAFTA and the TPP, challenged China’s economic espionage, confronted our disjointed
immigration polices, and did so by using means that remain mysteries to the likes of politicians like John
Kasich. John wants us to “put aside party politics (and) work together to face our greatest challenges.”
That’s an easy one. As I see it, we have two competing policies, one of good and one of evil. What John
means here is “bipartisanship” by which definition Democrats means we capitulate to them, always.

What are our “greatest challenges?” Well, people like Kasich is a good example of a pitiful challenge, but
restoring America constitutionalism, the rule of law, removing the corruptive issues of big money, re-
establishing trust in the election process and cleansing out the RiNO’s still sucking the life blood out of the
party is really our biggest challenge, John doesn’t think so. He wants to save it.

Locally, here in my county in Georgia’s 9th congressional district, my sources tell me of troubles in our
once solid Republican party. “The recent meetings of the local GOP, he said, reflect the disunity of the
Republican party nationally, with internal accusations of who’s doing the most to support our elections,
etc.  They’re the same few folks at the party meeting (locally)…maybe 10 of the old guard…while the local
Democratic party is growing and seems enthusiastic. I have no doubt that Georgia will be “blue” after the next state-wide elections, even without the current vote maneuvering.” Continuing, he said: “Someone
mentioned a while back that the Republican lawmakers really don’t care who controls the legislative
branches of government; they each have their funding sources and will play to those interests to keep
their positions….or if they have enough time in service, will retire and become a lobbyist.” And that my friends highlights our biggest problem. We have too many professional politicians, citizens who made
promises to get elected, then succumbed to the corrupted call of easy money to join the ranks of the
disciples of the “deep state.”

Politics should not be a career profession and John Kasich, in his pleading diatribe against Donald Trump
should realize that and go run a lawn and garden center somewhere where manure speak is understood
and acceptable. In the end, John Kasich is a “squabbler” not a fighter. He can’t compare with Trump in
real competition with America’s enemies or match Trump’s accomplishments.

Finally, this from a fan in Nevada: “Damn Republicans want to be known as “gentlemen” and have no
balls. When ignorant idiots like Crooked Hillary, Pelosi, Chuckie, and of course, Maxine Waters make
stupid statements the RNC should run commercials non-stop showing how truly ignorant and out of touch
with reality they are. But the RNC, which is always chaired by a spineless jerk will never do so as they
have no guts to do so. Fight fire with fire I say. Will never happen.”

President Harry Truman said: “Give it to them hard and straight and they’ll remember you!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Sec18)

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